Thursday, February 4, 2010

Growing Your Opt-in Mailing List

While getting traffic to your website is very important, it's not going to mean much if they visit you once and never return. To keep them interested in you and your products, you need to bring them into your fold. In other words, you want them on your list. That way you can give them helpful information, establish a relationship of trust, and market your outstanding products to them.

Have an opt-in box in the top fold of your website. That means those who come to your site will see the box without having to scroll down. You have a better chance of catching them this way, since people often only spend seconds to a few minutes on a website and don't want to bother with scrolling down.

You might have an opt-in box, but what is it for? It should be there to offer something free, irresistible, and valuable to your target market in exchange for their email address. People are savvy on the Internet these days so you have to bring your "A" game. You want to give value so people think, "Wow, this guy knows his stuff. I'm going to stick with him and see what else he knows." The offer should be irresistible in that you know something they might not and this could help them out. These are hungry people, targeted people, people who just might buy from you.

Another way to grow your list is to offer a free product in a giveaway event. The premise here is to offer something of value and if people perusing the giveaway event like the look of your product and your squeeze page, they will opt-in to get said product. Now, these opt-ins are not necessarily going to stay on your list. They might opt in for the free gift and opt right out again. At first you feel rejected by these freebie seekers, but it's best they get off your list right away or they'll be the ones calling "spam" on any email you send them in the future.

It is true that people who join your list for the freebie in the giveaway are probably not targeted customers, but some will be. It's a numbers game; 700 people grabbing your product at a giveaway and 300 of them opting out the next month leaves you with 400 targeted potential customers. And that's 400 people on your list you didn't previously have, right?

An additional way to increase your list is to set up a Warrior Special Offer (WSO) on the Warrior Forum and instead of selling a product you've created, offer it for free with opt-in. Marketers do this to not only grow their lists, but to get testimonials and feedback that will help them make their product better. A lot of these people might just be looking for the next free thing, but they also end up learning from you and will be your loyal supporter.

These three ideas, having an opt-in enticement, joining giveaways, and offering a product for free on the Warrior Forum, are some of the ways you can grow your list. Remember getting a big list is not an overnight thing for a relatively unknown marketer; it will be an ongoing but worthwhile process.

1 comment:

  1. Affiliate Marketing is a performance based sales technique used by companies to expand their reach into the internet at low costs. This commission based program allows affiliate marketers to place ads on their websites or other advertising efforts such as email distribution in exchange for payment of a small commission when a sale results.

